Revival Wellness Partners
Revival Wellness Partners is dedicated to helping you achieve ultimate health and wellness.
Check out some of our current success stories! These are real people who are following the program and getting results. Revival Wellness Partners is changing the lives of so many people and we would love to add YOU as our next accomplished patient!
John has lost 83 lbs in 14 months.
“Couldn’t have done it without Erica and her expertise!”
Marissa has lost 60 lbs in 10 months
“I feel and look better than I have since my early 20’s. I have tried everything from dieting to working out and nothing worked. Erica is compassionate and dedicated to walking alongside me in my personal health and weight loss journey. Could not have done this without her.”
Cindy has lost 83 lbs in 14 months
“I started this journey not believing. I figured my doctor was lying to me. On my birthday, I hit my goal. With Erica’s empathy and compassion, I was able to hit my second goal. Being the smallest I’ve ever been, I’m not only loving life, but am loving myself. My lab work and other health issues are dissipating and I’m living a painless lifestyle. Her support, advice, and guidance, along with my husband, has been a game changer. Thank you!”
Marnea has lost 41 lbs in 6 months
“As a busy mom of three kids, having enough energy to keep up with everyone’s busy schedules makes me feel like a better mom!”
Lauren has lost 30 lbs in 8 months
“Semiglutide has given myself a flexibility for life I hadn’t had prior to. I can enjoy a date night or evening with the family while knowing I’m making better choices.”
Susan has lost 24 lbs in 4 months
“Erica’s program was easy to follow. Her enthusiasm and support helped me immensely. If I can do it, anyone can!”
Nicholas has lost 55 lbs in 9 months
“I was able to stop my blood pressure medication by losing the weight. Feels good not to rely on medication!”